
Trading League

Create a Trading League for your community users. Let them show who is the best in your community with our real-time data trading simulator.

Boost your server engagement with our Trading League!

4trades.io 'Paper Trading' simulator gives your server a new way to boost engagement. No matter what the market conditions are, users can still have fun and be active by longing/shorting their position inside your Discord server. In the end for community owners, activity is the most important data you can have every month.

Trading league
trading league

An amazing way to teach and boost your community's crypto knowledge!

In one place, your users can compete for the 'Best Trader of the Server' title and at the same time train new trading methods or just keep their own trading journals. Everything in one place, completely free for them.

Leaderboad, prizes, fun and boosting your server

Thanks to the ongoing competition you can boost your server insights from the insides. ;) Number of messages, number of active users, time spent on the server - all that data will increase and your users will be more active not only in a trading related way. More of them will start to talk in general chats and help you grow your community faster every day.

trading league