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4trades.io Partnership Program

4trades is more then happy to launch our Partner Program. We have created amazing option for content creators, community admins, streamers, gamers, influencers and much more to build up new passive income funnel for them.
Being an 4trades Partner will give you higher % of commission then normal affiliate program.
For who?
Content creator
Twitch streamer
Kick streamer
Popular person
Group administrator
Community owner
Why promote 4trades.io?
4trades is growing project that is creating unique experience for users around the world. With upcoming plans and updates we want to be become top brands in internet. By promoting 4trades, you’re a part of all future products that will increase also your passive revenue thanks to that.
With Engagement Bot, Copy Trading Features, Live Trading Simulation for any users we are something new, something that is interesting for newcomers in the crypto space.
Any user of 4trades.io platform can create a passive income via our base affiliate program.
How much I can earn?
There is no limit for it! More users you will invite, more monthly passive income you will generate. This is not one time payment, this is recurring monthly bonus for each user that will be buying subscription on our platform. So calculation might be easy for that, and you can just use example calculator below:
Please provide the numbers of invited subscribers:
Monthly passive income: +0$
*calculation is based on 20% Partner Program and actuall subscription prices
What are the rules for Partner Program?
Exclusive promotion of 4trades.io - we want to have onboard partners that will seek the growth of us the same way as we do
Positive representation - high quality content, not something that can put dark lights on us because of content
Active promotion around funnels. Streamers need to stream at least 1 hour weekly and have banners in stream description and animated banner on live stream - swiping from time to time
If Partner will start making bad reputation promotion - we reserver the right to forfeit any partnership deal
How to apply?
Please use form below
Upload file
I accept the terms and privacy policy